2023 Dage Collection

Glisel | Thursday, March 16, 2023

Rise up Legion!

Join the Legion Dynasty. The 2023 Dage Collection features new armor sets, wings, weapons, a Dragon pet, and more. Plus, get the "Legion Dynasty" title when you buy the Collector's Chest.

The Collection

Legion, where do your skills lie? Are you of the undead Samurai or the necromantic Deathcallers?

Buy the Collector’s Chest to get all of the collection items for one low price, plus the collection badge and “Legion Dynasty” title.

Note: The 2023 Dage Collector’s Chest will remain available until next year’s Dage Collection releases.

Legion Samurai

  • Sode (shoulder)
  • Single Sode (shoulder)
  • Kabuto (helm)
  • Capelet (back)
  • Glowing Gauntlets
  • Gauntlets
  • Armor
  • Belt
  • Legion Samurai w/ Horse [travel form]

Legion Deathcaller

  • Visage (helm)
  • Pauldrons
  • Gauntlets
  • Greaves
  • Girdle (belt)
  • Robes


  • Desmaker (weapon - pictured with Samurai armor)
  • Hikutaion (weapon - pictured with Deathcaller armor)
  • Exmortis (weapon)
  • Legion Dragon Pet
  • Legion Dragon TF
  • Legion Tattered Wings
  • Legions Bone Wings

Yes, you CAN be a Mod

AdventureQuest 3D is looking for more Moderators. If you like helping people, are an experienced player of AdventureQuest 3D, and think you'd make a good in-game moderator, Click Here to find out how you can join the team in our official announcement post.

Last Chance

Heroes Heart Day content has left until next year

  • Lucky Day event content leaves April 5th, 2023

Thank you and… Next!

The team is working on completing Nulgath Part 3 and cooking up April shenanigans. Also, Artix is taking some of the team to PAX East next week! Drop by the Artix Entertainment booth to say hello if you’re attending.

See you in game and…
Battle On!


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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

