We’re showing our love and appreciation for the Heroes of Lore as we celebrate Heroes Heart Day! Enjoy a new Collection and quest, a new game feature, level 45 challenges, and a new Lunar New Year pet! Read on for more details!
Login to experience the new Frostval Collection and more! Talk to the Frostval Champion in Battleon to see what is new in this year’s collection! Then go say Happy Birthday to Beleen and try Blizzy’s infamous EggMog!
AdventureQuest 3D gets better every week! The 2023 Mogloween Collection is here! The ShadowReaper of Doom can be upgraded to be the Best In Slot with a new dungeon Challenge, and the Guild feature gets some minor updates.
Investigate the lairs of terrifying monsters and navigate mystical glens for more clues on Hazel’s research of the third piece of the Cosmic Raiment, the Cosmic Pauldrons.
Gunpowder Mary has returned to Battleon with the 2023 Talk Like a Pirate Day Collection. Plus, ol’ Captain Crisp has follow in Mary’s wake to get his revenge on Captain Rhubarb by selling Cursed Ship Summoning Runes.
It’s so hot this year! Trade in your heavy armor for the breezy new summer collection. And for those who love stars and stripes, the Epic Party Sneevils are in battleon with splendid new drops.
Rise up Legion! Join the Legion Dynasty. The 2023 Dage Collection features two new armor sets, two pairs of wings, and a Legion Dragon pet. Read on for details.
Happy Frostval! Visit Blizzy the Frost Moglin by the portal in town to get this year’s Frostval Collection and the title “Frosted” when you purchase the Collector’s Chest.
Talk like a Pirate Day is September 19th! To celebrate, Captain Rhubarb is in Battleon with this year’s collection. Also, re-explore the piratey adventures AdventureQuest 3D has to offer year round!
Log into AdventureQuest 3D to continue the Nulgath Saga and celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day with the 2022 Collection. Plus, we raised the level cap to 38!
Follow the AQ3D Team for the latest updates and news!