Get Ready, Heartbreakers, for Heroes Heart Day!

Glisel | Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Heroes Heart Day!

We’re showing our love and appreciation for the Heroes of Lore as we celebrate Heroes Heart Day! Enjoy a new Heroes Heart Day Collection and a related heartbreaking quest from Romeo Valentale. We’ve also implemented the new Mail system so you can send messages to your friends even when they are offline! Plus, level 45 challenges have appeared in the Battleon Foothills, and Lunar New Year celebrations continue with a Dravir pet added to Saber’s shop!

2024 Heroes Heart Day Collection

Visit Maurice in Battleon to buy the items you want or purchase the Collector’s Chest to get all of the items and the title, “Heartbreaker”.

  • Heroes Heart Day Collector’s Chest and “Heartbreaker” title
  • Dragon Frog Travel Form (alternates between 4 color variations each time it’s used)
  • Cerulean the Dragon Frog (pet)
  • Fable the Dragon Frog (pet)
  • Cinnabar the Dragon Frog (pet)
  • Andromeda the Dragon Frog (pet)

Click your Dragon Frog pet to make it dance!

  • Royal Heart armor set
  • Royal Heart Daggers
  • Royal Heart Sword
  • Royal Heart Spear
  • Enitnelav armor set
  • Pistol of Eros
  • Devoted Heart Staff
  • Betrayal’s Blade
  • Heart Beat Hammer

Calling All Heroes!

There’s an emergency in Seleden! Romeo Valentale needs you to meet his friend, Enitnelav, there in the forest who needs your help. Enitnelav created a matchmaking mishap between some of the creatures of Seleden Forest and needs your help sorting it out. If you do well, Romeo will reward you with a heartful reward: the Crystal Heart Sword!

Note: The Heroes Heart Day shops and quests are seasonal (temporary) but come back every year.

The Lunar New Year Celebration Continues!

This Blackened Heart Dravir pet is ready to leave its nest and explore the wold with you! Just in time for the Year of the Dragon celebration. Visit Saber’s Lunar New Year Shop to pick up your own dravir companion for a handful of Dragon Crystals; or, if you’re a Dragon Guardian, get one for Free from the Guardian Tormir.

Also, fear not! If you aren’t able to become a Dragon Guardian before the Lunar New Year shops close, the Dragonscale Guardian Equipment and Blackened Heart Dravir pet will remain available in the Guardian Tower until the next Lunar New Year.

New Feature: Mail!

You can now send and receive mail in AdventureQuest 3D! Click the Mail button in the Menu to open your inbox and see the messages awaiting you. At the top of the Mail tab, you can also Compose (write) messages to send to your friends and Guild members by clicking the button that looks like a letter. Here you can type in the name of the Player you want to send a message to, even if they are offline, and type out your message just like an email.

That’s not all! The Dev Team can also use this Mail feature to send occasional rewards directly to your inbox!

However, If you don’t want to receive messages from other players, you can check the Mail Blocked setting in the Mail tab. In the future, we would like to update the Mail Settings to allow you to choose the types of people who can send you mail (only Friends, Guild Members, your Party, or All Players). For now, write your heart out!


Level 45 Challenge Books!

Return to the Battleon Foothills (the new intro area) when you reach level 45 to discover the appearance of three new Challenge Books. The challenges have special rewards, like pets, travel forms, and titles but require great skill and strategy to win! These Challenge Books only appear once you have reached level 45, so get going and level up!


Book 1: Darkovian Alpha Werewolf Challenge
Book 2: Voidrakar Raid
Book 3: Green Dragon Foothills

Last Chance!

  • Lunar New Year event ends near the end of February.
  • Carnaval event leaves the Social District around February 21st.

Thank you and… Next!

The Tailor Scouts are coming back to help a friend in need! Will you be ready to answer the call of friendship?

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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