Sandsea Part 3: Valley of the Undying King
Into the Valley of the Undying King
The level cap has been raised to 35! Just in time to visit Sekt’s Temple. At last! Board the sandskiff with Skiffmaster Squint and enter the Valley of the Undying King!
If only we could get Netflix to pick up an adaptation of AdventureQuest 3D.... XD
Squint’s Skiff Adventure
Man the harpoons! If you want to get to the pyramids in one piece, Squint and Gil will need your help to protect the skiff from the Sandsea desert’s most fearsome monster yet… the Sharken! Dagger has created an exciting first-person shooter-type experience. Fight creatures on the boat and gather supplies in between Sharken sightings where you will man a harpoon. Clicking a harpoon allows you to fire at the Sharken in a first person perspective. Performing a non-attack action will let you resume control of your character.
Sekt’s Temple
Getting to see Sekt isn’t that easy. Sergeant LeCosta doesn’t care what General Gaspar says, so you have to prove yourself to him now. Encounter new monsters and explore the area around Sekt’s Temple as you run the necessary tasks to finally get your foot in Sekt’s door. There are also four new checkpoints throughout the valley, each located at a major destination. If you need more water or Moglinade, just find Fahad near the stairs to Sekt’s Temple.
Sekt, the Undying Pharaoh
No spoilers, but Sekt is not a pharaoh to mess with. Stand your ground against his personal guards and he will consider your request for help in finding the magic lamp. Of course, being granted a favor by Lord Sekt comes with strings. He wants you to deal with his Zhoomer problem first.
Level Cap Raised to 35!
After completing the story, you’re going to need some new armor to go with all of that new EXP! Simmi-Tar has you covered with new level 35 Mastercraft armor and weapons. If you’re not ready to head back to Bastion yet, Fahad can make you a full level 34 set of armor and a weapon made from… Cacti???
Item Infusion
Level 35 is also our newest endgame, so check out our post on Item Infusion to learn about all of the cool new endgame content available with this release.
See you in... a Sekt!
Artix, Glisel, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team