Glisel - Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Taco Day Returns!

Save Battleon from Taculous this Taco Day! Share your delicious tacos with Tito to earn delicious rewards!

Glisel - Thursday, October 6, 2022

Celebrate Mogloween in AQ3D… And so much more!

We’re celebrating the return of Mogloween and Taco Day in this release. Plus, a stealthy hider has a prize for anyone who can find her. And… Samurai class is Live!

Glisel - Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Mogloween begins! Or... is it Tacoween? O_o

Are you ready for the spooky (and spicy) season? This week heralds the return of Mogloween, and Taco Day! Make some tacos in Battleon, then head over to Mystcroft for some prime scares!

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