Top 10 Things to Do in AdventureQuest 3D

Glisel | Wednesday, December 29, 2021

AdventureQuest 3D is full of fun, exciting, and crazy adventures.

Check out the TOP 10 things you should be doing in game right now. Let's get started...

#1 PVP! - Join the Battle Arena for Team vs Team combat

Go to the Battle Arena from the PvP button in the Menu or join the queue from wherever you are and be pulled into the PvP map instantly when your match is ready.

  • 2 current PvP maps: Battle Falls and Battle Feast
  • PvP exclusive skills
  • PvP exclusive armor sets and weapons
  • PvP Class Rank Titles
  • Battle Arena stats tracker

Learn more about it:

#2 Choose your side in the Legion vs Paladin fight

It's time for the Undead Legion's Soul Harvest! As Legion forces advance to harvest Paladin souls for Dage.... Lionfang's Golden Order of Paladins is fighting back! Choose a side and fight for glorious victory and epic gear.

Legion Rewards

  • Legion Assault Staff
  • Legion Assault Hammer
  • Legion Assault Blade Blaster

Paladin Rewards

  • Morningstar's Helm
  • Morningstar's Pauldrons
  • Golden Order Assault Hammer
  • Golden Order Assault Spear
  • Golden Order Assault Sword

Learn how to play:

#3 Complete the Sandsea Saga

  • Many exciting story challenge fights and optional dungeons
  • Side quests to unlock special pets, buffs, and more
  • Level 33-35 gear
  • Sandstorm Capstones to level up your Sandsea gear

Find out more about Sandsea:

#4 Do the Daily Boss Fight Challenges

Hop on to fight the Boss Monster of the day. Just go to any of the Quest Boards or the Town Portal to jump right in.

  • Item rewards are now good for you no matter what your level!
  • Craft special items from each boss
  • Earn a Daily Boss Trophy. Each one earned gets you closer to an awesome new armor piece or weapon from Cysero’s Forge.

#5 Go Fishing

There are a lot of fishing spots in AdventureQuest 3D including the latest… in Pointe Less Isle. Talk to Faith on the Battleon Bridge to learn how to fish. Travel all over Lore with new fishing quests and NPCs.

  • Track your fishing skill in the Character tab of the game menu
  • Earn better fishing rods and fish in nodes with rarer fish
  • Earn special fishing gear or fish treats with temporary boosts from Fishing NPCs.

Learn more about it here:

#6 Dare to Dance at the Masquerade of the Macabre

Dress sharp, bring your friends, and ready your armaments for an unforgettable night in an abandoned vampire castle. The Phantasm of the Organ is playing, and you never know who you will encounter on the dance floor next.

  • Dancing Ghosts & dance phases
  • Summon a horrifying new secret Boss Monster
  • 51+ new earnable items
  • 47 Ballroom quests
  • Ballroom reputation system
  • Secrets (for those of you who like to poke around)

Learn more about it here:

#7 Party in the Social District

Wander to the left in town to find the Social District. There, you will almost always find monsters having a party. Talk to Rose and she’ll reward you for partying with the monsters.

  • Buy and Quest for Ridiculous/Fun seasonal cosmetic items

Types of Social District events:

  • Taco Day - Taculous
  • Lucky Day - Bad Luck Sneevils
  • Giant Red Dragon
  • Frostfang
  • Carnaval - Carnaval Sneevils
  • And more…

#8 Adopt a Pet

Talk to Aria at the Pet Shop. She has lots of cute and terrifying creatures to adopt!

  • Earn a pet by collecting Pet Feed from treasure chests or daily quests
  • Buy pets and the Pet Handler armor set
  • Quest for the Master Crate and a feline friend

#9 Get the Legendary "A Frogzard ate my head" helm

Want to walk around being perpetually eaten by a Frogzard? We don't judge. But this is an EXTREMELY rare drop. You only have a teeeeny, tiny, near impossible chance of it dropping off the Mommazard.


  • "A Frogzard ate my head" Helm

#10 Unlock and Rank each class up to 100


  • Earn pieces of Legendary Class Armor as you rank up
  • Earn Legendary title and badge


  • Necromancer - Summon undead minions to fight for you
  • Paladin - Group Heals
  • Berserker - Duel wield!
  • Ninja - Switch jutsu's to switch skills
  • Pirate - First class to use duel pistols... pew pews!
  • Moglomancer - Battle using the power of adorable little Moglins
  • Warrior - Everyone's favorite meat shield
  • Rogue - Probably behind you right now.
  • Mage - One word. FIREBALL!
  • Guardian - Magical Dragon Knight (Reward for supporting the game with Guardian)
  • Healer - The first full support class. Heal better than anyone else!
  • More coming soon

Find out more:

(BONUS) #11 Help Other Players!

Already done all of the above. Then you are the most elite of the elite. So now it is your duty to help out the new players. Share your wisdom, secrets, and guide new friends on


  • Being Awesome
  • Feeling good about yourself
  • Make Friends... (or maybe life long enemies if you accidentally do a bad job.)

Hope you found this post useful. Did we miss any rewards or things players should know about? Let us know in the comments and on Artix's Twitter.

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

