The Archivist’s Tome: Volume I

Glisel | Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Archivist Enthusiast

Head to the Arcangrove Tower Library and discover the mysterious Weathered Tome… Then find an enthusiastic apprentice eager to help you uncover its secrets.

Restore the Weathered Tome

This is one of many lost tomes belonging to the famed Arcangrove Archivist. There is an apprentice in the Library who has studied the Archivist’s work and is excited for an opportunity to use their knowledge to decipher the remaining notes for you. Since much of the Archivist’s research was scattered throughout LORE during their studies, a seasoned hero like yourself should have no problem locating the missing pages and reuniting them into a complete volume with their help.

Note: Don’t leave any dungeons without capturing any required “Energies” for your quest.

Archival Rewards

When you have found all of the pages and complete the tome, you will be rewarded with “The Archivist’s Drape” and the title “The Wizard’s Scribe”.

You can find the “Archivist’s Blade” when you open your Daily Chest (a permanent addition”, as well as the Chest Shop to purchase for Treasure Shards.

Last Chance

  • Earth Day Items shop leaves May 24th, 2023 (Trove and Quests remain year-round)
  • May the 4th event content leaves June 7th, 2023

Update: AQ3D Game Moderator Call

This week, Lead Mod Sora to Hoshi will be emailing the first round of new mods this week. We expect to do 2 groups of new mods (though only group 1 will be emailed this week). Thank you to everyone who applied!


Thank you and… Next!

Prepare yourself… and your inventory bag: next week we’re unleashing an awe-inspiring array of items in the Daily Chests and Chest Shop!

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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