Glisel - Thursday, May 25, 2023

Get the Hottest Set This Summer: Incendiary Flame Mage

A hot new armor set and weapons have been added to the treasure chests! Available for the Summer only, these items are also accessible in the Chest Shop.

Glisel - Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Archivist’s Tome: Volume I

Calling fans of magical secrets, rare books, and impressive titles: the search for a mysterious Arcangrove Tome is about to begin! “The Wizard’s Scribe" title shall be bestowed upon those who emerge victorious.

Glisel - Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Curse Weaver Mage and Cosmic Cutter

A new cosmetic class for the mage has arrived in AdventureQuest 3D… the CurseWeaver Mage. Also, Yulgar has a cosmic quest for you at the Inn!

Glisel - Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Now that’s how you get a-head!

Head on over to Mysterious Johnson’s House of Oddities and check out the 3 new Kittarian Head Morphs and a Zobekian Head Morph! Gaz’s Black Market is also updating its stock, adding some new giant Djinn Toys and removing previous limited it…

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