Artix Summer Postcard Contest
Beleen - Friday, June 7, 2024

Announcing the Artix Summer Postcard Contest!

Join our Summer Postcard Contest where artists and writers can showcase their creativity by designing Artix-themed postcards. We welcome all to join!

Artix - Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Great 2024 Shop Lock Bug!

In the past week we moved all of game & database to new server hardware. We also updated the game with a new version. But .... then a serious problem was reported...

Artix Krieger - Monday, August 8, 2022

Back to the Lab Again, Yo

I have been gone for 9 days. O_O 9 DAYS! How about we catch up with a big post that jumps topics faster than lemmings off a cliff?

Artix Krieger - Friday, June 17, 2022

AdventureQuest 3D: Special Weekend Report!

Hey guys! Been a crazy couple of weeks. From the great Lab Plague of 2022, a lab-wide power outage,  to Zhoom growing a goatee like Evil Spock from the mirror verse of Star Trek.... it has been a roller coaster. 

Artix Krieger - Thursday, May 5, 2022

A Letter to you from Taini and Artix

For the last six hours Taini Flaremist and I have been talking and co-writing this letter to you. If you're a member of our community and are aware of what has been happening the last few days, you're probably wondering why we're here toget…

Glisel - Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Battle on into the new year in AdventureQuest 3D!

We are doing live events to ring in the New Years for as many time zones as possible! Join us in AdventureQuest 3D for live events with Artix, Blaze, and the team. Read on for start times.

Artix Entertainment Fan AQ Worlds AQ Infinity Artix Launcher 2024 HeroMart Calendar Battle Gems

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

